Roots in the Water

Holy River

Within me lives this sadness so deep and so wide it pulls me down so I can't see the sky

I try to find the light but its sometimes so hard I am falling into the deep abyss of stars

And outside my window hummingbirds fly and for a moment the heaviness dies

But the drilling never ceases the hunger increases we are dying beside a great river

Oh holy river, I pray show me the way

Your sweetness has shown mercy your curves have led me home to the heart of the forest where I give back.

Last night I dreamed a man cut off his leg, what would you sacrifice for her to live instead

And I know that we need to feel full to breathe in solidarity with the trees

What lives inside that will always survive is the infinity of the earth that cradles the wise 

Sometimes I feel tender in the darkness of night that wraps me in his arms and lets me cry

For the beings murdered for the beings displaced and I fall asleep in nights arms

Oh holy river, I pray show me the way

Your sweetness has shown mercy your curves have led me home to the heart of the forest where I give back.

This love is the deepest that I’ll ever know my life is a seed for the rains to sow

Where are the words to devote it all to offer my gratitude body and soul

And where is the light that speaks to us all that will comfort us as we fall

To my waters, you have come and have asked for wisdom 

Child, there is none, who alone is one

So go back to the forest, to the heart of all our hearts so this heart in our hearts can beat again

Oh holy river, I pray show me the way

Your sweetness has shown mercy your curves have led me home to the heart of the forest where I give back.

Love and Bone

Oh don't you know yes Juniper Soul that it starts in the leaves

Shakes me to my knees, open me up, please

A story’s been told that mistletoe will squeeze you inside

And you might die, I won’t close my eyes

I hear the song my dear it's becoming clear

I feel it in my bones the water my tears

I hear the song

Seer in the clearing

Weaver in the leaving 

Of love and bone, love and bone, of love and bone

Sweetest bee unwanting me, into my own,

Morphing unknown, child of the stones. 

Deer takes flight to the afterlife I’m so scared I can’t breathe, 

What does this all mean

I don’t think anything

I hear the song my dear it's becoming clear

I feel it in my bones the water my tears

I hear the song

I hear the song

Seer in the clearing

Weaver in the leaving 

Of love and bone, love and bone, of love and bone

I stop, I look, I see you’ve got the hook

And now the ice is melting baby, the ice is melting baby 

On this bright, green, earth. 

This bright, green, earth.

I hear the song my dear it's becoming clear

I feel it in my bones the water my tears

I hear the song

I hear the song

Seer in the clearing

Weaver in the leaving 

Lover of being


Salt salt salt, salty medicine, washing woes into the graveyard

Wake wake waking life, tumbling it is, tumbling

Meh, meh, memory goes like this, like the root

Twisting dark and smooth

The morning is laughing at me

through birdsong

through prayer

Wise, wise, wise woman, in disguise, the trickster she says will be satisfied

Coy, coy, coyote, coyote eyes, they are watching me run, will they welcome someone

You, you human form, where’d you come from, salty, cup reformed

The morning is laughing at me, 

through birdsong

through prayer

It’s all turned to sand, it’s all turned to sand

It’s all turned to sand, Mother of Carnage 

The morning is laughing at me, 

through birdsong

through prayer

Birth another day, and let it die away

Birth another day, and let it die away.


Ocean sublime, I am losing my mind, on this winding, dusty road

I’ve seen lots of things, only 23, and I carry a basket on my back

If you ask me where I got it, I will tell you that I made it from an ash tree in the east. 

Sometimes my heart it aches you’ll see tears fall from my face

I will promise to be brave, there is not much more to say

Ooh, ooh

And cherish the Earth, she will always come first

She’s the one who can quench this thirst and will lead us to Rebirth

She will, lead us to rebirth

Sagebrush-covered forests, of ponderosa pine, juniper and manzanita

Wildflowers and snow-covered mountains, oak trees and the California coastline

Take a look at these feet they are weathered, tired and joyful at the same time

Sometimes my heart it aches you’ll see tears fall from my face

I will promise to be brave, there is not much more to say

Ooh, ooh

And cherish the Earth, she will always come first

She’s the one who can quench this thirst and will lead us to Rebirth

She will, lead us to rebirth

Clouds make way I’ve left my shoes to wander

The open road, and all I don’t know

And cherish the Earth, she will always come first

She’s the one who can quench this thirst and will lead us to rebirth

Lead us to rebirth.

Roots in the Water

Oh Earth, how I’ve missed you, how I’ve missed you ‘neath my feet

How I’ve missed you in my hands, how I’ve missed you dear earth

Yes I’ve seen that we’ve hurt you, with our bodies and our minds

Yes I’ve seen that we’ve bruised you with broken hands and broken hearts

Do you think we’ve forgotten about the waters in our veins

Do you think we’ve forgotten blessed rivers blessed rains

And all who have loved and all who have hurt

You’re loved despite now it's time to remember our roots

Lovely Human, how we’ve missed you, how we’ve missed you in the dirt

Dancing circles rain or shine, singing sweetly in the wind

Yes we’ve seen that they’ve hurt you, with their bodies and their minds

Yes we’ve seen that they have bruised you with broken hands and broken hearts

Do you think we’ve forgotten about the waters in our veins

Do you think we’ve forgotten blessed rivers blessed rains

And all who have loved and all who have hurt

You’re loved despite now it's time to remember our roots

And all who have loved and all who have hurt

You’re loved despite now it's time to remember our roots.

Hungry Love

Within me lives this hunger, nearly nowhere to be found, she hardly makes a sound, is she fed, from the ground?

Does she drink from a cold mountain spring or does she feed on nonliving things like machines, is it fulfilling your needs, yes, where are you fed from? 

I want to be fed, I want to be fed, I want to be fed, I want to be fed

I want to be fed by you love

I want to feed, I want to feed, I want to feed, I want to feed

I want to feed you love

Within me lives this love, nearly nowhere to be found, she hardly makes a sound, is she lonely, is she hungry?

Has she lain in a cold creek bed with a loving rock for her head, listening to what Coyote said, or do machines surround her bed?

I want to be fed, I want to be fed, I want to be fed, I want to be fed

I want to be fed by you love

I want to feed, I want to feed, I want to feed, I want to feed

I want to feed you love

You are fed from the Mother Earth

But who is fed by you

I ask

Who is fed by you

I want to be fed, I want to be fed, I want to be fed, I want to be fed

I want to be fed by you love

I want to feed, I want to feed, I want to feed, I want to feed

I want to feed you love

I want to be fed, I want to be fed, I want to be fed, I want to be fed

I want to be fed by you love

I want to feed, I want to feed, I want to feed, I want to feed

I want to feed

I want to feed

I want to feed you love

Finding My Way Home

I’ve been looking under rocks again, trying to find my way home

It’s gotten pretty lonely in this world we’re living on

And I want to be like the roots on the tree, yes I want to run free like the roots

I’ve been eating lots of plants again, trying to find my way home

My body’s gotten used to processing the things that don’t belong

And I will grow and you will know that I can feed you like the plants do.

Come home to me

I’m all that you need 

They’ve lied to you my children for I am everything yes,

Come on home to me

I’ve been sleeping under stars again, trying to find my way home

It’s gotten pretty smoggy and I cannot see with the lights on

When I close my eyes I see the night sky and the night cradles me home

I’ve been walking in my dreams again trying to find my way home

Spirit sends me lots of messages and I try to listen to them all

And animals come to guide me along, yes they guide me on this path I’m on

Come home to me

I’m all that you need 

They’ve lied to you my children for I am everything yes,

Come home to me

Come home to me


Come home to me

I’m all that you need 

They’ve lied to you my children for I am everything yes,

Come home

Come on home

Yes, come home to me

Teach Me How

I fell from the sky desperately, wanting breath wanting life

This body was strange, where to begin, so different from the stars

And if I were a river of this song

Where would I find myself tonight?
I will come back home to this body 

Again, and again and again

Teach me how to live 

like the water

like my mother

I wish it for the fathers, the brothers, the lovers and all others

I wish it for the sunshine, won’t leave anyone behind

Beautiful, changing moon

Grandmother of the water

I’ve come again, and again to pray,

Please I ask will you show me the way

Sensual body, you are like the seeds

Sprouting, grounding, 

dying and becoming 

Again, and again and again--

Teach me how to live 

like the water

like my mother

I wish it for the fathers, the brothers, the lovers and all others

I wish it for the sunshine, won’t leave anyone behind

I tried to find an understanding, of why things were as they were

But the tree is the tree, and the universe is me

So I will become this song

And if I were a river of this song, where would I find myself tonight 

I will come back home to this body, again and again, and again.